What to Expect from a Good Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

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What to Expect from a Good Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

July 30, 2020

Workplace injuries happen every single day in Florida, placing our state near the top of the list of states with the most work-related injuries. According to data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 2.8 million workplace injuries resulted from serious accidents in 2017 alone. When a worker suffers a catastrophic workplace accident, their health and well-being should take precedence over other aspects. However, it is also important that injured individuals understand they have options for recovery.

Under Florida’s workers’ compensation laws, employees will be eligible for benefits that can help them stay afloat and get back on their feet following a workplace accident. Because workers’ compensation claims can be inherently complex, many individuals give up early on in the process, choosing to deal with the bills that continue to pile up as they face medical treatments and time away from work. Hiring a workers’ compensation attorney can help you avoid the struggles that many face in this system every year. By understanding what a good, experienced attorney can do for you, you can be well-prepared for your claim.

Advantages of a Skilled Workers’ Comp Lawyer 

What to Expect from a Good Workers’ Compensation LawyerDeveloping Evidence: Most workers’ comp claims that face a denial resulted from insufficient or missing evidence. From the moment you receive your injury, you should know that proper treatment is your best course for results later on down the road as you work toward compensation. An attorney will stand by your side to collect medical evidence to prove your claim, including medical records, recommended treatment from physicians, and independent medical examination records. Experienced workers’ comp lawyers understand how to strengthen your case and maximize your chances of receiving settlement by gathering the evidence that can make a difference in your claim. 

Negotiating Settlement Agreements: Workers’ comp attorneys also have the skills necessary to estimate what your case is worth and the amount of benefits that you should receive. They will come to a conclusion based on the extent of your injuries, the limitations you now face, your medical expenses of the past and present, future medical costs, the extent of permanent disability, and compensation for lost wages.

If your attorney believes that the insurance company is throwing too low of an offer in your direction, they will persuade you to negotiate until you reach the settlement you deserve. Furthermore, your attorney will ensure that you do not experience negative consequences later on through what is known as ‘workers’ compensation offset,’ which could make you liable for hundreds of dollars every month if many aspects are not properly calculated.

Representation in Trial: If you are unable to reach what you believe is a fair settlement, a skilled workers’ comp attorney will assist you during the trial. Your attorney will take depositions of the witnesses in your claim, obtain your medical records, and apply their knowledge of Florida workers’ comp laws to your case to help you receive the best results. If you do not receive the results you believe you deserve from a judge, your attorney will help you appeal this decision so that you can have a second chance.

How a Florida Workers’ Compensation Attorney Can Help 

Florida workers’ compensation law can be a daunting and confusing set of rules for those who have been injured in a workplace accident. There might be a variety of aspects on your mind following a workplace accident such as how you will return to work or how you will pay your outstanding bills. Many victims injured in a workplace accident will face months to years of medical treatment or may find out that they will not be able to return to the same line of work. At Stephen M. Andrews, our skilled Florida workers’ compensation attorneys have the resources necessary to help you receive the compensation you deserve after an accident that was not your fault. It is important to act quickly to retain your rights during these challenging times. Please contact a workers’ compensation attorney in Florida at (850) 906-9599 for more information.

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