Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid to File a Florida Workers' Compensation Claim

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Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid to File a Florida Workers' Compensation Claim

August 4, 2020

It is not uncommon for individuals to be injured on the job and not know their rights or feel uncertain of reporting their injuries to their employer for fear of losing their much-needed jobs. However, it is very important that if you are injured at work you obtain medical treatment and that you report the incident. Your health and well-being could become even worse if you don’t obtain the correct diagnosis and treatment for your injuries. You may even develop other ailments as a result of refusing to seek medical care. Additionally, you may need time off of work to heal from your injuries and if so, you deserve to obtain Florida workers’ compensation benefits. With very limited exceptions, employees in Florida likely work for a company that has workers compensation insurance. Also, it is against the law for an employer to discipline you or terminate you from your position.  

Even if your employer does make the unlawful decision to punish you by firing you as a result of your worker’s compensation filing, you still have legal options to protect your rights. Should you experienced retaliation by your Florida employer after you file your claim, you can file your own wrongful termination suit against them for their behavior. Filing a worker’s compensation claim is only asking for the benefits that the insurance they carry offer when you need it. You deserve and are owed those benefits in the event of an accident that harms you. Hiring a Tallahassee workers’ compensation lawyer is a sure way to have peace of mind that your claim will be filed properly and reduce the risk for denial.

When Should I File My Florida Workers’ Compensation Claim?

It is important to your overall well-being that you get the right medical treatment immediately. Waiting on treatment could not only cause your injuries to progress and worsen, but you may also develop other painful conditions by not seeking treatment. Reporting your injuries to your employer also has time ramifications. If you don’t report within 30 days from your accident, you risk having any claim you file being denied. Even if the symptoms of your accident seem minimal at first, they can quickly become more severe. If you wait until they are debilitating, you may file too late and be out of luck when it comes to receiving much-needed compensation.

There are instances where an employee reports their accident immediately but their employer doesn’t provide medical care. In this situation, you absolutely want to connect to a Florida workers’ compensation lawyer at Stephen M. Andrews, P.A. Your attorney will file a claim with the workers’ compensation insurance company and get your claim filed.

Find an Experienced Florida Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid to File a Florida Workers' Compensation ClaimWorkers’ compensation claims are filed frequently throughout the United States and are denied just as frequently. When you are injured you need these valuable benefits and you can’t take the chance of having your claim denied. Call the Florida worker’s compensation law firm of Stephen M. Andrews, P.A. today at (850) 906-9599 to schedule a free consultation.

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