Are there Pros and Cons to Accepting a Florida Workers' Comp Settlement?

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Are there Pros and Cons to Accepting a Florida Workers' Comp Settlement?

September 30, 2020

Florida workplace accidents are common and they happen every day across the state. When you have been injured in an accident at work, it doesn’t matter if you caused the accident. Florida is a no-fault state, so you are entitled to filing for Florida workers’ compensation benefits regardless of fault. Filing for Florida workers’ compensation benefits can be a complicated, drawn-out, and even at times unfair. To maximize the amount of compensation you receive and reduce the time it takes to receive your benefits, speak with a qualified Florida workers’ compensation attorney.

Stephen M. Andrews is a Florida workers’ compensation lawyer with a vast amount of knowledge on how to build strong claims for his clients that help them obtain a fair settlement out of their Florida workers’ compensation claim. Stephen M. Andrews has been helping victims of Florida work place injuries secure the most compensation possible for more than 35 years.

What are the Disadvantages and Advantages of Obtaining a Florida Workers’ Compensation Settlement?

Are there Pros and Cons to Accepting a Florida Workers' Comp SettlementWhen you are forced to leave your job because your injuries are too great from a workplace accident you have to secure a fair settlement amount. Hiring a lawyer can be the difference between you struggling to get by or comfortably relaxed and focused on the most important thing which is your recovery. Stephen M. Andrews has successfully represented numerous victims of Florida work place injuries and helped them get the most money possible in their settlement.

There are advantages and disadvantages to agreeing to a settlement. The advantages of a Florida workers’ compensation settlement include:

  • A trial can be unpredictable and you are at the mercy of the judge. A judge could do many things, one could be reducing the number of benefits you are able to receive. A settlement takes the trial out of the equation.
  • A trial is time-consuming and will draw out the Florida workers’ compensation process longer than necessary. While you are having your case heard, you may experience anxiety and strain.
  • If there are benefits that you aren’t likely to use, you may be able to negotiate to give up those benefits in exchange for money.

There are also disadvantages to a Florida workers’ compensation settlement including:

  • Once you accept a settlement amount you are not likely to be able to pursue further compensation if you find that you need more financial support to help you recover and pay your bills.
  • Lump-sum payments may seem attractive but can be easily spent away before you are healed. For some injured workers, a structured settlement is the best way to ensure you don’t run out of money.

Speak with a Tallahassee Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Stephen M. Andrews can advise you on your best options and help you obtain the most favorable outcome after your Florida workplace injury. Call Stephen M. Andrews today at (850) 906-9599 to schedule a free consultation. The workers' compensation insurance companies have highly-paid lawyers on their side fighting for their best interests. You also deserve to have an advocate on your side fighting for you. Stephen M. Andrews will go toe-to-toe with the insurance companies' lawyers to make sure you get the best deal possible.


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