What is the Purpose of Florida Workers' Compensation?

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What is the Purpose of Florida Workers' Compensation?

October 5, 2020

Florida workplace injuries can cause a victim stress, physical pain, and uncertainty. If you are involved in an accident at work regardless of if you contributed to the accident or were entirely to blame for it, Florida is a no-fault state. This means that any employee who is injured on the job in Florida has the right to obtain workers’ compensation benefits without having to prove fault. 

The state of Florida requires most all businesses with few exceptions, and all businesses related to construction to carry workers’ compensation insurance so that if an injury accident does occur, the business’s employees are covered. Injured employees can decide to pursue their claim on their own but most of the time, when an employee tries to obtain Florida workers’ compensation benefits without legal support, the process is a lengthy, confusing, and frustrating one. If a settlement is offered, it is likely to be significantly less than what an injured worker needs and what they deserve. Working with a Tallahassee workers’ compensation attorney is the best way to ensure that you are treated fairly and you obtain the compensation you need expediently.

Why Does Florida Workers’ Compensation Insurance Exist?

What is the Purpose of Florida Workers' CompensationFlorida makes it law that businesses have workers’ compensation so that employees who sustain injuries at work can have their medical expenses covered as well as be able to receive a portion of their missed wages while they are out of work. When a business carries Florida workers’ compensation insurance, they are also protecting themselves. Florida's workers’ compensation is a way to avoid having civil suits be filed against employers when an accident happens.

The great thing about obtaining help through the Florida workers’ compensation system versus filing a Florida personal injury claim, is that the victim doesn’t have to prove negligence. Also, Florida's personal injury claims can be expensive and take a long time to come to a conclusion. During this time that the legal battle wages on, the victim has to bear the burden of their own medical care and deal with missed wages by themselves until they receive a settlement.

Florida workers’ compensation allows victims to obtain coverage for medical costs immediately. If a person is out of work for a designated period of time, they can also have a portion of their wages dispensed. What Florida workers’ compensation doesn’t do is pay for damages such as pain and suffering. Because the damages that a victim can pursue are limited in a Florida workers’ compensation claim, often, Florida personal injury claims yield higher settlement amounts. Lastly, a worker that pursues a Florida workers’ compensation claim waives their right to file a civil suit against their employer.

Speak with a Tallahassee Workers’ Compensation Attorney Today

Determining what your best legal options are as related to your workplace injury is something you can discuss with Stephen M. Andrews, an experienced Florida workers’ compensation attorney. With more than 35 years providing legal guidance and representation to the greater Tallahassee area, Stephen M. Andrews can answer all of your questions and help you secure the most favorable outcome. Call Stephen M. Andrews today to schedule your free consultation at (850) 906-9599.


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