Do You Have Job Security if You are out on Florida Workers' Comp?

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Do You Have Job Security if You are out on Florida Workers' Comp?

December 9, 2020

In the state of Florida almost all business owners must carry Florida workers’ compensation insurance so that if an accident happens at work involving one of their employees, that employee can have their medical treatment taken care of. Additionally, if the injured employee has suffered damages that are severe enough that they must miss work for a specific period of time, workers’ compensation insurance can also pay for some of their missed wages. It is a helpful safety net for a worker who has had the bad luck of being injured on the job.

Obtaining Florida workers’ compensation benefits is not an easy process. It can take time and be onerous in some situations. The laws governing workers’ compensation benefits are always changing and there is also much paperwork that is required to be done correctly and submitted in an appropriate time frame. Additionally, there are many employers who make it even more difficult for their employees because businesses tend to not want to have claims made. The reason for this is because every claim that is made to their Florida workers’ compensation insurance provider can increase the premiums they must pay for that insurance. 

What Happens to Your Job When You Are Out on Florida Workers’ Compensation?

Do You Have Job Security if You are out on Florida Workers' Comp?If you were injured on the job in Florida, it is good advice to retain the help of an experienced Florida workers’ compensation attorney. When you use a legal professional, you don’t have to worry about handling all the challenges and deadlines that come with the workers’ compensation process by yourself. Your attorney will take care of the paperwork and make sure it is done the right way, get everything finished by the deadlines, take on the insurance company’s legal team on your behalf, answer all of your questions, and fight so that your rights are protected and you are treated fairly. Stephen M. Andrews is a Tallahassee workers’ compensation attorney that can help you and because he only gets paid if he wins your case, you don’t pay anything until your case is settled.

When you are out recovering from your Florida workplace injuries and receiving workers’ compensation, your employer is under no obligation under the law to hold your job. If your job is one that must be filled for the business to continue to operate smoothly, you may lose your position. If your employer fills your position while you are out and receiving benefits because that is the necessary action they must take and they aren’t doing it out of spite or retaliation, they can do so without penalty.

It is unlawful for your employer to fire you or terminate your employment while you are out and receiving workers’ compensation benefits simply because you made a claim. If your employer is trying to bully you or punish you for filing your claim by terminating your job that is not ok and you deserve to be treated justly under the law. When you work with a Florida workers’ compensation lawyer, your rights will be defended and your attorney will take action on your behalf if this is the situation you are having to suffer through.

Speak with a Florida Workers’ Compensation Attorney Today

You have legal rights and you deserve unprejudiced treatment when you are trying to recover after a workplace accident that left you injured. Call Stephen M. Andrews to learn more about how you can obtain all of the benefits you are entitled to under the Florida workers’ compensation system. Call Stephen M. Andrews today to schedule your free consultation at (850) 906-9599. 


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