Workplace Injuries From Transportation-Related Tasks

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Workplace Injuries From Transportation-Related Tasks

November 30, 2020

If your job requires you to be on the road for a significant amount of time, it may be welcome freedom from a cubicle or from a manufacturing plant, but driving is a risk. There are so many traffic accidents that happen every year in the country that car accidents are the leading cause of personal injury. This being said, it certainly makes sense that jobs that require a high amount of driving are those that suffer a very high rate of workplace injuries and death. Transportation-related accidents on the job are the leading cause of death from workplace accidents as reported by the most recent information released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In 2018, transportation incidents accounted for 2,080 deaths at work and made up 40% of all work-related deaths as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. If you were injured during the course of your employment, you deserve to obtain the full amount of Florida workers’ compensation benefits that you are entitled to. Stephen M. Andrews is a Tallahassee workers’ compensation attorney that has decades of experience helping injured Floridians see their full legal justice. 

What Causes Work-Related Transportation Accidents?

Workplace Injuries From Transportation-Related TasksThe same perils that exist on the road when you go out to run an errand or to travel to any destination also exist if you are driving for the purposes of work. There are several dangers that are directly related to causing traffic accidents including:

  • Driving while intoxicated is responsible for 40% of all fatal crashes.
  • Speeding is the cause of approximately 30% of all fatal crashes.
  • Reckless driving is responsible for approximately 33% of all fatal crashes.

Reckless driving can include:

  • Driving while drowsy.
  • Distracted driving.
  • Ignoring the rules of the road.
  • Driving at excess speeds.

Simply because you are driving for your work doesn’t make you immune from exposure to negligent drivers on the road. You cannot control another person’s decision making or behavior, all you can do is drive safely and responsibly. Additionally, when you see a driver that is engaged in aggressive behavior or looks like they are driving erratically, moving out of their way and keeping your space from them could help decrease the chances that they will hit you or cause a car accident that affects you.

If you are directly employed by a company in Florida there is a good chance your employer carries Florida workers’ compensation insurance and so if you are injured in a Florida car accident that happened while you were working, you can pursue a claim through their provider. If you are a contractor and are injured while driving for a work-related activity the path towards obtaining Florida workers’ compensation benefits can be a bit more complex. That being said, it doesn’t mean you have no options, and because of this, you should still meet with an experienced Florida workers’ compensation attorney to discuss your unique situation.

Speak with a Talented Florida Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Even though worker classification can make the process of obtaining Florida workers’ compensation benefits a more difficult task, that doesn’t mean that an injured worker should not be informed of their rights. Call Stephen M. Andrews today at (850) 906-9599 to schedule your free consultation.

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